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How to Relieve Text Neck Pain with a Bristol Chiropractor

How to Relieve Text Neck Pain with a Bristol Chiropractor

Though it is always a good idea to schedule regular visits to your local chiropractor in Bristol, you may find yourself curious as to whether or not they will be able to help you ease the pain that you are feeling in your upper back after hours of reading, writing, or...

Three reasons to stand instead of sit

Three reasons to stand instead of sit

Increasingly, a large majority of people spend their working days slouched over computers for hours on end without frequent movement and only occasional breaks. After a long day hunched over desks, there is a tendency sink into sofas and unwind in front of the...

Four things you didn’t know a chiropractor help with

Four things you didn’t know a chiropractor help with

While chiropractic treatment is most often associated with back pain and is generally very effective in tackling this, there are so many other ways it can be used. Here are just some of the health problems and physical challenges it can help to remedy. Headaches...

Preventing back pain at work

Preventing back pain at work

The incredible advancement of computers and digital technologies in recent years has opened so many doors to us in the workplace. The downside is that this means more of us than ever are spending an unhealthy amount of time sitting down looking at screens, and this...

Are you sitting comfortably?

It can be an all too familiar story when it comes to the aches and pains in your neck and back after a long day. Often people can't figure out what is causing the pain, as their job does not entail much manual labour and no heavy lifting has been done. However, it may...

4 health challenges of modern life

4 health challenges of modern life

Modern life can wreak havoc on your health - particularly your back and posture. We take a look at some of the top problem areas: 1. A desk job A sedentary desk job is believed to increase your risk of a premature death by as much as 60% according to a study by...

Dealing with knee pain when you want to keep moving

Dealing with knee pain when you want to keep moving

Knee pain can be caused by a wide variety of issues, stemming from the knee joint itself, referred pain from the lower back, pelvis and hips, or a problem caused by misalignment or stiffness. When your knees do start to cause you pain, it is important to determine the...

What to do if work is causing you back pain

What to do if work is causing you back pain

Sitting for hours at a time at a desk can cause huge amounts of damage to your back. And, if you’re hunched over, squinting at a screen or using a chair that doesn’t support you, it can make those problems even worse. If you’ve got back pain it can be hard to...

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