Western Medical Acupuncture

Bristol Western Medical Acupuncture


Among the two main approaches to acupuncture, the traditional Chinese Medicine Acupuncture is most widely known. However, there is the Western Medical Acupuncture that has significant differences – principally it follows modern medicine diagnoses and uses evidence based treatment principles where possible.

Western Medical Acupuncture is based on similar techniques as Traditional Chinese Acupuncture (TCA) but does not accept the metaphysical concepts of TCA. In detail, TCA, divides the body into pathways that are believed to carry the qi (life’s energy) from various body organs to the surface of the body, called collaterals and meridians. The two forces that help keep the body in perfect balance are the yin and yang, and any blockage of qi brings imbalance to them. For that reason, acupuncturists insert acupuncture needles, so to restore the body’s energy levels.

Western Medical Acupuncture does not embrace the yin-yang theory and is built upon a deep understanding of pathology, physiology and anatomy, in order to treat mostly musculoskeletal pain. Western Medical Acupuncture mainly functions through the regulation of the nervous system, rather than trying to balance the flow of qi. It is a procedure called neuromodulation, and the therapeutic effects of needling are best achieved through manipulating the nervous system at different levels (central and peripheral).

I saw Bronwen for shoulder and lower back pain that I have suffered from for several years.

I received a warm and friendly service from her as well as a fantastic assessment and treatment including acupuncture.

I felt amazing after and had the first pain free night in ages. Thank you!

Amy Meredith

Bristol Western Medical Acupuncture
Patients turn to western medical acupuncture, as part of their chiropractic treatment, mainly for chronic musculoskeletal problems, such as chronic low back pain, pain that affects the shoulders and neck, migraines and headaches, fibromyalgia, pelvic and prostate pain, knee osteoarthritis, irritable bowel pain, and obstetric labor pain, among many others. All aforementioned conditions are reported to respond extremely well with western medical acupuncture.

After the patient is fully examined, the patient is placed in a comfortable position (most times lying on the back or stomach), before needling starts. Special acupuncture needles are then inserted locally into the problematic tissues, or alternatively into selected segmental points along the spine that are directly connected with the patient’s present condition. Each session usually lasts up to half an hour and is well-tolerated.

Most patients usually experience no pain at all, both at the time of needling or during the treatment, while some may have a slightly itching feeling at the insertion point. Most conditions are usually improved within 6-8 sessions; however; there are cases when improvement comes after the first 2 or 3 sessions.

At Bristol Chiropractic Clinic, Western Medical Acupuncture is usually used in combination with other chiropractic treatments and is included within such sessions.

Stand alone acupuncture and electro-acupuncture appointments are also available.

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