Chiropractor Treatment
Chiropractic care does not treat symptoms with drugs but treats the cause of your pain by helping to correct any restricted or altered joint movement to restore spinal balance, remove nerve irritation and return the body to healthy healing.
Western Medical Acupuncture
Western Medical Acupuncture is built upon a deep understanding of pathology, physiology and anatomy, in order to treat musculoskeletal pain. Western Medical Acupuncture mainly functions through the regulation of the nervous system
Health Programmes
Health Programmes are a way of keeping your back and joints healthy or helping you to recover following an injury. They are all designed around you and your own needs following a consultation with one of our chiropractors. We can assist you with assigning a number of exercises and dietary requirements to aid your back and joints in keeping healthy.
My Mother at age eighty seven uses this service and it keeps her moving and straight, thank-you to all the staff and doctors. I think if you have the opportunity to use this practice it will change the way you feel and help you stand stronger.