Sports massage therapy can be an incredibly beneficial pre-workout treatment to help athletes warm up properly. It is also beneficial as a post-workout treatment to soothe sore muscles and increase limb flexibility.
However, to really benefit from the effects of sports massage it is important to incorporate a regular session into your sporting routine. Regular massage can have cumulative benefits on the body and is an important measure for preventative maintenance.
Those who compliment sporting activities with regular massage suffer from little or even no injuries. Here are some reasons why regular sports massage can leave you feeling physically and psychologically better.
PNF stretches are assistant-aided stretches performed after a vigorous exercise session. The therapist will gently push the muscles as far back as they can comfortably go. This releases tension build-up in the fascia: a band of fibre that surrounds the muscles, resulting in more pliable and healthy muscles.
Stretching also helps to re-align the fascia, which, if out of line, can cause pain and subsequently injuries.
Breaks Down Scar Tissue
The formation of thickened scar tissue can occur during the healing process of an injury. Collagen fibres surround the muscles and repair them. However, these fibres lack elasticity and can form tight, knotty bands around the surrounding muscles. The build-up of scar tissue can restrict limb mobility and elasticity.
Regular sports massage works towards breaking down the fibres that have knotted together. Deep tissue massage is performed to release toxins, increase blood flow to the injured area and reduce inflammation.
Although, initially painful, regular sessions will lengthen the soft tissue muscles and greatly improve elasticity.
Pain Reduction
Regular sports massage helps block the pain indicators within the muscular system from reaching the brain. Lymphatic drainage removes the toxic build-up of lactic and carbonic acid which can cause cramps after exercise. Massage will increase the blood flow and deliver oxygen and essential nutrients to the treated area, reducing pain, swelling and inflammation.
Delayed onset muscle soreness can occur a few hours after exercise. Sports massage can reduce muscle fatigue and pain by improving blood and lymph flow.
Psychological Effects
Regular massage has a positive effect on the nervous system. Endorphins and oxytocin are released, producing a feeling of calm and well-being. It can also reduce anxiety and help you sleep better.
Regular sports massage improves condition and performance and aids a faster recovery of existing injuries. For more information talk to one of our qualified therapists at Bristol Chiropractic Clinic.